
shrIvaiSHNava sampradhAyam


Sri. T. S. Krishnamachari

Shri T S Krishnamachari is a retired Officer of Indian Cost Accounts Service (ICoAS) of Government of India. He retired as Director, Office of Chief Adviser, Cost, Ministry of Finance besides working in different departments/ ministries of Government of India in different positions during his service. He is a Cost and Management Accountant. He reads extensively many philosophical works of East and West. He is interested in writing on various aspects of Ithihasa, Puranas and other works of Acharyas highlighting immense value in them.

He has whole-heartedly joined the aradhanam.org group of contributors and has expressed interest in and started off on writing articles on special focus topics.

Here below is the current list in alphabetical with links to his articles in English and he plans to add many more in the times to comes.

Episodes about Hanuman – A: Hanuman’s Effective Communication

Episodes about_Hanuman – B: Assessment of Opponents Skill Assessment

Episodes about Hanuman – C: Hanuman’s Friendliness with other vanaras

Episodes about Hanuman – D: Hanuman’sEffective Communication

Hanuman’s foresight in stressful situations

Think before you leap

Request and dispensation

Positive transformation of others by the conduct by Seetha Devi in Ashoka Vanam/a>

Loneliness and its ramification

Individual sufferings and response in Valmiki Ramayana

Hospitality in Srimadh Ramayana

Constant association and attendant effect on psyche

An Introduction to Srimadh Ramayanam

Counsellors and Kings – Classic_Examples

Exemplary Hanuman and three categories of emissaries

Holy deeds of Sri Rama – gratitude

Illustrious incidents and invaluable insightst

Leadership skill of Angada

Royal and loyal friendship

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