
shrIvaiSHNava sampradhAyam




श्रीमते  श्रीवराह  महादेशिकाय  नमः

श्रीमते रङ्गरामानुज महादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमते श्रीनिवास रामानुज महादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमते वेदान्त रामानुज महादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमते श्रीनिवास महादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमते निगमान्त महादेशिकाय नमः

श्रीमते भगवते भाष्यकाराय महादेशिकाय नमः

श्री सीता लक्ष्मण भरत शत्रुघ्न हनुमत् समेत श्री कोदण्डराम परब्रह्मणे नमः

श्री पेरुन्देवी नायीका समेत श्रीदेवाधिदेवराज परब्रह्मणे नमः

श्री अलर्मेल्मङ्गानायीका समेत श्री श्रीनिवास परब्रह्मणे नमः

श्री रङ्गनायकी समेत श्रीरङ्गनाथ परब्रह्मणे नमः

श्री रङ्गनाथ दिव्यमणि पाधुकाभ्याम् नमः

श्रीमान्   वेङ्कटनाथार्यः  कवितार्किक  केसरी  ।   वेदान्तचार्य  वर्यो  मे  सन्निधत्तां  सदा  हृदि  ॥

Dear Bhagavathas,

We are delighted to announce the completion of a major, long-drawn, multi-year project for our www.aradhanam.org website. Exciting announcements below!

But first as devotees, we dearly welcome and bow down at the feet of  our Andavan, His Holiness Shrimadh Shri Varaha MahaDesikan. He is the 12th Pitadhipathi of Shrimadh Srirangam Andavan Ashram.

We also bow down at the divine feet of our dear, beloved, revered AchAryan, Shri GhantAvatAra, Shri Bhagavad Ramanuja DayapAtra, KavitArkika Simha, Sarvatantra Svatantra, Shri Thooppul NigamAntha MahADesikan (born 1268 AD) whose 750th birth anniversary is being celebrated this year by his followers all over the world. His Blessing to humanity is through his phenomenal and unparalleled wealth of masterpieces he authored and which consists of dozens of divine stotrAs, 76  prolific granthAs (in kAvya, rUpaka, rahasya, vedAnta, vyAkhyAna, anushtAna and other miscellaneous categories), and 24 stellar Tamil prabhandhams.

There is always some “Oh My God”, stunning wonder and brilliance in Swami Desikan’s works. For instance, in just 2 verses (929 and 930) of “pAdukA sahasram” kAvya grantha, our dear AchAryan solves how the knight in a chessboard, with its “must-make-one-turn-only-and-hop-to-the-3rd-adjacent-cell-in-any-direction” rule, can traverse through every cell  on the board without coming back to an already visited cell. This is elegantly and succinctly explained  in the following link


We pray a mahAtma, blessed by our AchAryan, compiles and brings forth such myriad, hidden treasures from his great works. We would be delighted to know if such a resource already exists.

Investing every little available time over several years, it has been our bhAgyam to complete the design and implementation of a multi-language transliteration tool this year while celebrating Swami Desikan’s 750th birth anniversary and to continue our journey in preparing and posting documents  @ www.aradhanam.org website. This tool  can be used to  transliterate our vast wealth of religious works existing in our sacred   languages to the following 28 languages.This set  includes most of Bharat’s official languages, a few important international languages in the Asian continent, an ancient language now only in inscriptions (Brahmi), and, last but not the least, Tamil Braille for the visually impaired. Image below lists the 28 languages.

We have given a short, coded name to this tool – calling it “TT28”. A full technical note on TT28 is presented in a separate web page accessible from the menu bar tabs in the header portion of any web page at this site. It is titled “About TT28” or you can follow the link below.

About TT28

Please take a moment to review the  phonics-based transliteration framework inside TT28 at the least for your mother tongue, Devanagari and other languages you are proficient/conversant/interested in. A lot of standards have been incorporated to get consistent, crisply-presented content across all languages. Once a phonics-based input document is manually prepared, checked and ready, it takes just one-button click in Microsoft Office Word to automatically generate the documents in 28 languages in a single stream.

How apt it is to present the very first booklet this auspicious year on Swami Desikan’s Thanian in 28 languages! Here is the link to  the pdf document.

Thanian on Swami Desikan in 28 Languages (in one pdf doc)

Welcoming His Holiness Shrimadh Shri Varaha MahaDesikan,  we have also published Shrimadh Srirangam Andavan Ashram Thaniangal books in 28 languages. Here is the link to the 28 pdf documents.

Shrimadh Srirangam Andavan Ashram Thaniangal (28 pdf docs)

Seeking our AchAryan’s Blessings, we have also published a short  Shanthi Mantra with the Vedic notations standardized across  27 languages (Braille has its own notation) in one booklet to initially validate the tool’s capability to generate Vedic text. Here is the link to the first pdf document.

Shanthi Manthra with Vedic notations in 28 languages (in one pdf doc)

As part of this launch, we have also created a new menu tab titled “Devotional” and we have published, in all 28 languages, a modest,  initial collection of a dozen of the most beautiful songs in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu often heard/sung in temple functions and/or homes. Hope this section grows into a large collection of songs on Divya Dampati and Parivar in many languages over the coming months and years.

Having crossed the monumental and challenging hurdle of designing and building the TT28 tool over the years, we are now encouraged and very eager to publish the existing website documents and a lot more new documents in course of time. We have implemented new transliteration and documentation standards that mandate we re-publish our existing website documents.

Selecting a language of your choice for each and every document and in every visit to our website by clicking on one of the above 28 colorful icons is obviously not the ideal way to use this website. Sometime in the future and hopefully soon, we will revamp the website using cookies to ensure you can select/set/switch your language preference once using the same colorful buttons in the home page which in turn will direct the website to present documents only in that most-recent ‘selected’ language. We will also explore the possibility of picking say 3/4 languages of your choice.

We are consciously designing the website to be mobile-device friendly. Here is a screenshot of a web page on a 5-inch cellphone.

We patently repeat the following request in each and every website front page announcement.

We strive our hardest to generate the documents correctly. But we may have mistyped something in the input source document or there could be some transliteration bug in the tool that we may not have caught before and hence not fixed. But these errors are easy to fix once found. Kindly pardon us for these mistakes. Our eyes wouldn’t believe where they are. But, as avid and critical readers, yours can spot them very easily. Hence, please do offer your corrections wherever and whenever you find them. We will fix the errors and re-publish the documents as soon as possible. Please use the ‘pratikriyA’ menu tab above or click on this link https://www.aradhanam.org/pratikriya for your kind input.

As always, we hope this website serves as a good reference material for your prayer recitation and/or learning purposes in your mother tongue and/or the languages of your choice.

Pray God Bless us all.

कवितार्किक-सिंहाय  कल्याणगुणशालिने  ।   श्रीमते  वेङ्कटेशाय  वेदान्तगुरवे  नमः ॥


madhumathi kasturi

kasturi sarangapani

november, 2018


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2018 January

2015 November – Inaugural

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